Where no price is entered by the tenderer against any particular item, it will be assumed that the cost of that particular item is covered by the prices entered against other items. 凡投标人未标明价格的特别项目,应视其价格已包含在其他项目的价格中。
The acquisition was a classic business school case study where we assumed the top line would just grow and we would reduce the cost of goods sold, he says. 这起收购是经典的商学院研究案例,我们假设营收只会增长,而我们将可以降低售出产品的成本,他说。
The role of statistical inference is to estimate the best parameter values or constants in an assumed cost function. 数理统计推理的目的是为了找到最适合的参数值或者常数,用于在假定的成本函数中进行成本估算。
Still cannot decide, get damages what root occupies mark property and losing bulk, the other side of demand of OK and logical choice is assumed repair, change, re-act, return money, reduce cost or the responsibility of breach of contract such as pay. 仍不能确定的,受损害方根据标的的性质以及损失的大小,可以合理选择要求对方承担修理、更换、重作、退货、减少价款或者报酬等违约责任。
Curve fitting problems are also discussed assumed linear marginal cost function. 本文采用线性边际成本函数假设,研究了成本曲线拟合问题。
Most of the literatures on it assumed that the cost structures of both the supplier and the retailer are common knowledge so far. 但是,到目前为止,大多数的文献都假定合约的提出者知道供应商和销售商的费用结构。
In the models of dynamic traffic assignment, it is assumed that travelers cannot reduce their travel cost by unilaterally changing the departure time and route choices. 在动态交通分配模型中,假定在交通均衡状态下司机不可以通过改变出发时间和行驶路径而降低出行费用。
Instead of adopting congestion pricing mechanism, this paper imposes fixed usage price on throughput of each user, which is assumed to be the function of network congestion and usage cost. 没有采用拥塞相关的计费,而是对每个用户有效传输的单位吞吐量收取固定的费用,但每个用户的传输速率是网络拥塞和单位带宽价格的函数,并在此基础上提出了用户净效用函数。
Since initial state is usually unknown, it is assumed that initial state is belonged to the bounded closed domain, a notion of the domain guaranteed cost for the systems is proposed. 在系统初始状态未知,但属于一个有界闭区域时,提出了系统的区域可保性能的概念。
Although the water price for industry and domestic life has a margin to increase, the project can not be assumed sole responsibility for its profits or losses and needs financial subsidy due to the water cost is much higher than users can be accepted. 虽然工业水价和城市居民生活水价仍有上升空间,但由于成本水价远高于用户承受能力,因此目前工程不能做到自负盈亏,需要财政进行补贴。
State-owned enterprises assumed important social functions without the marketing system, and they developed on the way of involution with disguised unemployment and huge social cost. 长期以来在市场缺失的情况下,国有企业承担了很重要的社会职能,国有企业沿着社会职能内卷化和冗员化的方向发展,并伴随着巨大的社会成本支出。
In traditional financial restraints theory, banking system, which presumably intermediates between savers and investors, are implicitly assumed to operate under perfectly competitive conditions transforming deposits into loans at zero cost. 传统的金融约束理论都将银行体系作为完全竞争的行业,被动地以零成本将存款转化为贷款。
These transitions are assumed more elaborate in classification and more consistent in terms of inference cost, and particularly they could deal with the transition specification for inferable centers. 这些过渡类型在分类上更为细致,且在推理努力上能保持高度的一致性,更为重要的是,它们可以有效处理为可推导下指中心设定过渡类型的问题。
All the analysis are assumed and restricted by the results of the above analysis, after which we take the next step in education cost data mining. Second, we carry out data mining. 这些分析实质上是种假定,在此分析结果约束下,进行了下一步教育成本数据挖掘。其次,进行数据挖掘。
With the assumed level of grain security, the paper estimates the cost input mode corresponding to certain level of grain security by chance constrained programming model. 借助于假设的粮食安全水平,运用机会约束规划模型,论文推算了与一定粮食安全水平相对应的粮食安全成本投入方式。
For this type of BSS algorithms, sources are generally assumed to be statistically dependent, and additional constraints such as nonnegativity, sparsity, smoothness, lower complexity or better predictability are imposed to the cost function. 在这类问题中,如果源信号没有直接假设是统计独立的,我们可以适当添加一些限制如非负性、稀疏性、光滑性和低复杂性等来使得信号分离问题得以解决。
Operating profit theoretical assumed that when enterprise debt ratio increases, the debt tax shield benefits brought about by increased liabilities of just being caused by the cost of equity capital, offset by an increase, the total value of the company remain unchanged. 营业净利理论假设:当企业负债比例增加时,负债带来的税盾效应刚好被负债增加所引起的股权资本成本的上升所抵消,公司总价值不变。
Therefore a financing mechanism that dominates only by the bank load has been formed, which assumed the cost of reform, powerful supported the reforming, opening up and economic construction. 这种机制承担了改革的成本,有力地支撑了改革开放和经济建设的顺利进行。